Sunday, November 14, 2010


I just got back last night from the best trip ever. I was in Moab, Utah with the Wildlife and Range club and I am now somewhat depressed at the prospect of homework and apartment life. I WANT TO GO BACK TO MOAB!!!!! There are rocks and canyons there and even though its freaking cold, I would rather be out in nature right now. Instead I am here, on my laptop, and decided to relive my experience by writing about it.
We started out around 1 pm Friday afternoon, there were ten of us: Mikyn, John, Jay, Jordan, Tamara, Jocelyn, Amy, Robbie, Austin and Victoria (married) and a professor, Tom Smith. We drove in a big van for threeish hours until we ended up in a camping spot in a canyon. I was kind of surprised because we had an actual camping spot with a fire pit, a pavilion, and picnic tables instead of just setting up in the wilderness somewhere, but that was fine. On one side was the Colorado River and on the other was a canyon wall of red rock. We set up camp, had a dinner of tacos from a dutch oven, the temperature dropped significantly, and we started out on a night hike. We hiked up the rock to Corona Arch and we thought it would only be appropriate if we celebrated the arch with a little Corona beer. So needless to say this trip was a party. Well, anyway we hiked and it was awesome because we were following rock cairns and it wasn't just a trail, you could walk anywhere. We passed caves and had to hold on to steel cables at some points, it was awesome. Finally, the arch loomed ahead of us and we were able to scamper around the rocks, look at the crazy amount of stars, and just enjoy the experience. Luckily, I had some weed so we smoked that too. Did I mention we were all wearing headlamps?
That night, after the hike, we made a fire and roasted starbursts and listened to 6'7'' Robbie tell us jokes that he made up in his insanely deep voice. The funny thing was he would always start them "Speaking of rabbits, did you hear about the..." Which of course we hadn't because he made it up. Then we all retired to our beds where, I don't know about anyone else but, I froze my shorts off. I wasn't actually wearing shorts, I was wearing leggings, two pairs of socks, a shirt, my footy pajamas, and a fleece jacket, with a blanket and a sleeping bag. But I still froze. I got up as soon as it was light outside. Did I mention we had three dogs on this trip?
So after everyone was up and fed we headed into Long Canyon to look for big horned sheep. While looking we climbed around on the rocks and took in the majesty of the canyon. We finally did see some big horned sheep across the canyon. They looked like little white dots until we looked in binoculars and saw them for real. It was awesome. Then we discovered a thirty foot crack in a rock and John and Jay found a hole which we could crawl through to get into it. So some of us crawled through this insanely small hole and hung out in this crack until we climbed out of it. It was Emperor's New Groove-esque because we braced ourselves against the wall and pushed ourselves up.
After we played around for a while longer, we ate lunch and packed up camp. Before we headed home we wanted to find a place to repel. So John, being the expert climber in the group, found us a place where we could anchor and repel. The first repel was just down a ten foot drop so we could practice. The only problem was that there was a severe lip on the way down and it was hard to get passed it without hitting myself on the rock. So after being suspended in the air for a while I finally just lowered my my upper body below my feet until I could swing safely below the lip. It was intense. The second repel was more like 50 or 60 feet. Apparently I didn't do as well with that one because I just lowered myself down without pushing against the rock so much. But it was fun. Then we drove the three and a half hours back to Provo. All in all, an awesome trip. I want to go back. But alas here I am.

And just for everybody who may read this, Mom would like me to add that we didn't actually drink or do drugs on this trip. Those comments were for humor purposes.

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